My current research is devoted to scholarship in teaching and learning in psychology where I have two main lines of research. One is the best practices in teaching research methodology while the other focuses on professional development. To this end I have worked with colleagues to secure multiple grants in support of developing teaching resources for methodology courses. Several were for developing and expanding an online collection of peer-reviewed resources, teachpsychscience.org, and the others were for creating a collection of articles that exemplified a variety of research designs and developing a measurement for professional skills. I also have publications with Teaching of Psychology on ways to improve student attitudes about the research process and professional development and currently serve as a mentor in the STP Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Consulting Service. In 2016, I co-authored a research methods text, Discovering the Scientist Within: Research Methods in Psychology. I also became a consulting editor for Teaching of Psychology in 2017. In the past, I was one of the coordinators for the Atlantic Coast Teaching of Psychology conference.
My main psychological research interest is in self-regulation based on the idea that self-control is a limited resource. Research projects conducted in the past included the examination of the role of self-regulation in ostracism, self-presentation, and rejection. Currently, I am looking at how a lack of self-control influences intimate relationships.
~Select Teaching Related Scholarship~
Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., Ciarocco, N. J., & Strohmetz, D. B. (2016). Discovering the scientist within: Research methods in psychology. New York: Worth.
Ciarocco, N. J., Dinella, L. M., Hatchard, C. Y., & *Valosin, J. (2016). Integrating professional development across the curriculum: An effectiveness study. Teaching of Psychology. doi: 10.1177/0098628316636217
Ciarocco, N. J., Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., & Van Volkom, M. (2013). The impact of a multifacted approach to teaching research methods on students' attitudes. Teaching of Psychology, 40, 20-25. doi:10.1177/0098628312465859
Strohmetz, D. B., Ciarocco, N. J., & Lewandowski, G. W. (in press). TeachPsychScience.org: Sharing to improve the teaching of research methods. In R. S. Jhangiani & R. Biswas-Diener (Eds.), Open: The philosophy and practices that are revolutionizing psychological science and education (pp. xx-xx). London, UK: Ubiquity Press.
Ciarocco, N. J., Dinella, L. M., & Lewandowski, G. W., Jr. (2011). Strategies for making psychology self-relevant in and out of the classroom. In R. Miller & B. Rycek (Eds.), Promoting student engagement: Volume I: Programs, techniques and opportunities [E-book]. Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
Ciarocco, N. J., & Strohmetz, D. B. (2016). Developing an Assessment of Skills for Psychology Undergraduates. Instructional Resource Award from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Award Amount: $1,500).
Ciarocco, N. J., Strohmetz, D. B., & Lewandowski, G. W., Jr. (2015). TeachPsychScience.org: Communicating Science. Association for Psychological Science Fund for Teaching and Public Understanding of Psychological Science (Award Amount: $4,989.00).
Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., Ciarocco, N. J., & Strohmetz, D. B. (2009). TeachPsychScience.org: Resources for Teaching Research and Statistics in Psychology. Association for Psychological Science Fund for Teaching and Public Understanding of Psychological Science (Award Amount: $4,908.50).
Ciarocco, N. J., Strohmetz, D. B., & Lewandowski, G. W., Jr. (2009). Exemplar studies for teaching research methodology. Instructional Resource Award from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Award Amount: $1,500).
Ciarocco, N. J. (in press). A modular approach to teaching professional development. In W. Altman, L. Stein, & J. E. Westfall (Eds.), Essays from e-xcellence in teaching (Vol. 16, pp. x-x).
Ciarocco, N. J., Strohmetz, D. B., & Lewandowski, G. W., Jr. (2016). Research in action: Immersive learning activities to accompany Discovering the Scientist Within: Research Methods in Psychology. New York: Worth.
Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., Ciarocco, N. J., Strohmetz, D. B., & Ensley, C. J. (2016). Instructor's Manual to accompany Discovering the Scientist Within: Research Methods in Psychology. New York: Worth.
Strohmetz, D. B., Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., & Ciarocco, N. J. (2016). PowerPoint slide presentations to accompany Discovering the Scientist Within: Research Methods in Psychology. New York: Worth.
Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., Strohmetz, D. B. & Ciarocco, N. J. (2015). Essentials of experimental psychology. Journal of Visualized Experiments. doi:10.3791/10169
~Select Psychology Publications~
Ciarocco, N. J., Dinella, L. M., Hatchard, C. Y., & *Valosin, J. (2016). Integrating professional development across the curriculum: An effectiveness study. Teaching of Psychology. doi: 10.1177/0098628316636217
Ciarocco, N. J., Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., & Van Volkom, M. (2013). The impact of a multifacted approach to teaching research methods on students' attitudes. Teaching of Psychology, 40, 20-25. doi:10.1177/0098628312465859
Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., Ciarocco, N. J., *Pettenato, M. & *Stephan, J. (2012). Pick me up: Ego depletion and receptivity to relationship initiation. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 29, 1071-1084.
Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., Ciarocco, N. J., & *Gately, E. L. (2012). The effect of embodied temperature on perceptions of global warming. Current Psychology, 31, 318-324. doi:10.1007/s12144-012-9148-z
Ciarocco, N. J., *Echevarria, J. & Lewandowski, G. W., Jr. (2012). Hungry for love: The influence of self-regulation on likelihood of infidelity. Journal of Social Psychology, 152, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/00224545.2011.555435
Ciarocco, N. J., Vohs, K. D., & Baumeister, R. F. (2010). Some good news about rumination: Task-focused thinking after failure facilitates performance improvement. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29, 1057-1073.
Twenge, J. M., Baumeister, R. F., DeWall, C. N., Ciarocco, N. J., & Bartels, J. M. (2007). Social exclusion reduces prosocial behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 56-66.
Baumeister, R. F., DeWall, N., Ciarocco, N. J., & Twenge, J. M., (2005). Social exclusion impairs self- regulation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 589-684.